
[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-sun-o” headline=”Climate Change & Environment” width=”third” class=”add-bottom”] The Climate Change Act (2008) is the statutory instrument that we have used as a fulcrum point for our new business matrix.
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[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-recycle” headline=”Development & Regeneration” width=”third” class=”add-bottom”] Our team is involved with inspirational regeneration projects demonstrating sustainable development concepts and seeks out those located on Brownfield sites which demand an environment-sensitive approach.
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[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-street-view” headline=”Public Realm & Sport” width=”third” last=”true” class=”add-bottom”] We understand how to deliver our client’s brief whilst factoring in key considerations such as ecology, heritage and landscape.
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[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-industry” headline=”Energy & Infrastructure” width=”third” class=”add-bottom”] Our team has considerable experience of wind, solar as well as being closely involved in renewable hydrogen energy and we are interested in all new energy development.
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[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-child” headline=”Health & Wellbeing” width=”third” class=”add-bottom”] The links between the quality of urban landscapes and people’s health is now well understood
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[ut_service_icon_box color=”#479440″ hovercolor=”#00000″ icon=”fa-pagelines” headline=”International” width=”third” last=”true” class=”add-bottom”] Revolutionary advancements & best practices to help bottom line cost savings.
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[ut_parallax_quote class=”Optional Class”]Everything has purpose which brings us to today! Understand part of the journey & experience since 1970….click on the short video below.[/ut_parallax_quote]