Climate Change & Environment

The Climate Change Act (2008) is the statutory instrument that we have used as a fulcrum point for our new business matrix which is driven by;-

– the carbon agenda,
– sustainability issues
– waste recycling imperatives

Our ‘next generation’ Carbon Grasses are the result of 17 years R&D by the world’s largest seed breeder and represent a paradigm shift in the performance of amenity grass mixtures.

We have exclusivity on the best carbon sequestering seed cultivars which develop 3 times more roots enabling greater bank stabilisation and water retention besides trebling the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered into the soil sink.

Carbon Grasses can significantly contribute to the UK’s 2050 carbon reduction targets more especially if the 300,000Ha of Public Greenspace was ‘Sward Swapped’. See

We have been enhancing the environment since 1970 and we are pioneering a holistic philosophy towards the environment via The Blue Green Project.

We are promoting connectivity between the diverse environmental  and health bodies that contribute to the quality of places where peoples live – Healthy Places = Healthy People – by organising major events such as the 2014 Sustainable Green Infrastructure Conference at the British Library.